Wednesday 25 April 2007

3D worlds and socialising on the internet!

In today's tutorial task we actually got to take part in the online 3D world, a world in which most of us hadn't visted before. Might I say, i loved every minute of it! Walking around as a fictional character, talking to random people that claim to live on the other side of the world in such places as Canada and America etc all interacting at one place. It was FUN! A totally different experience from that of other online instant messaging programs such as MSN Messenger.

During the tutorial I explored the 3D world of "Active World"...I installed jst the basic version onto the uni computer, and it gave you a standard character that looked the same as everyone else. But im sure if you wish, you could create a character to replicate yourself as closely as possible. I know this is definately available on other programs such as Second Life.

Besides the obvious difference between 3D Worlds and instant messaging programs such as MSN, the whole concept completly changes when you have the visual aspect. I have not explored any other forms of 3D worlds apart from active world, so I am only commenting from this one prospective. MSN Messenger I believe is a more safer form of communication than 3D worlds because you have the option of chosing who you talk to by accepting them as friends/contacts. This way you can if you wish, only accept people you know which then creates a safe environment for conversation. However, Active World is different. Here anyone can talk to anyone and find out who you are and where you live, etc if they wish and if they tell you the details. I find this kind of environment less safe, as you really have no idea who you are talking to.

As meantioned before, I said you could create a character in the Active World to resemble you if so desired, which many may see as an added bonus. Yet many instant messaging programs have a webcam or video and audio option where you can visually talk and respond to people, making it even more personal. So even though in active world u can visually walk around, you still have the option to use visuals on MSN if you so wish to.

I guess people who wish to just randomly talk to anyone or are just bored and wish to social, these kind of people would benefit from 3D Worlds because you can meet new people and talk to anyone. But for people who want to socialise and catch up in a more private way with friends etc, online instant messaging through MSN would be a much more advisable option.

Therefore, both forms of communication can have a visual aspect if desired. This is why overall i would rather use MSN to communicate to my friends because i feel as if it is a safer environment and I know who i am talking to.

Tuesday 24 April 2007

Games, Games, Games!!!

Last week's lecture was on GAMES!!! I have to admit, i was looking forward to this lecture, since i thought we might actually get to play some games haha, plus Adam our own cool tutor was taking the lecture, so I thought this could be interesting! The lecture started off with the amusing video of NINTENDO SIXTY-FOOOUUUUURRRR!!!! Unfortunately, the sound wasnt working....but since i was so intrigued by its mute version, i actually went home and watched it with sound! hahaha it was funny! Truely showing just how huge the impact of some new technologies have on young children :)

But unfortunately, the whole lecture was NOT on watching kids open christmas presents, there was a theory behind it all. Adam discussed some different examples of 'games', such as arcade games and console games, and the effects and theoretical considerations concerning video games. There was a video that was supposed to be shown at the end of the lecture, but it didnt work, so i cant comment on that. But hey, I didnt care....who ever thought we'd be learning about GAMES at uni haha!!! Awesome!

Monday 16 April 2007

Essay Progress

Just letting everyone know...I have done a fair bit of research lately for my essay. I have decided to do it on MSN Messenger, and in general, the use of chat rooms. Since this subject is all about communications, i thought that MSN is a good new form of communication now used widely across the world.

I have found tonnes of articles, news reports and even believe or not, a fair few books on chat rooms, the internet and social technology, and online messaging. Through the uni library catalogue i also found some elctronic resources relating to MSN, so a lot of them will be helpful if i can work out how to access them haha.

Thats all for now :)

More Photoshopping!!!

This week (well actually week 6), our task was to now take photos and then modify them using Photoshop to communicate certain ideas...
I'll admit, i am not very skillled at editing...but hey i have a go :) so don't laugh haha

This is me and my friend on Australia Day, ready to hike up the mountains. I added the aussie flag underneath the brim of my hat, and wrote in Australia Day 06. I think that pretty much communicates AUSTRALIAN more than the image did before :)

These are my BEST friends :) I edited the background of the image to 'cut-outs' because I thought the background isn't what's important. I don't care about what's in the background, just the i tried to make them more of the focus in the image.

This is at Schoolies!!! Schoolies is a POPULAR event for people graduating from gr12! It might be popular, but sumtimes you wonder why, when a lot of people don't remember much about it...its often just a bit of a blur ;)

This one I made hard to see, because Chad Michael Murray, are not people you see in the streets everyday!

And finally, this is a picture of me on the phone at a beach...a weird place to COMMUNICATE with someone, especially when you're on the phone for two hours :) I edited the picture so it was more film represent communication and also changed the colours so they were more black and white, with a hint of blue :)

Sunday 8 April 2007

Adobe Photoshop and Blogging

All of these photos were taken with my awesomely pink Fuji FinePix camera :)
Our task was to take photos that represent or communicate the following ideas...

I think scoreboards these days are pretty high-tech...look theres my name!! haha

These are my bestest friends...aka GKARTS
Truely the BEST group of girls :)

Nothing beats the good old weekend Bulletin or Sunday Mail!


This is what summer is all about...the BEACH

Its not everyday you can hold an island in your hands
unconventional I rekon haha

University Life

Aaahhh, party party no just party!
That's the life!!! haha

Woohoo...that's all!!! :)